Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How to Control an Over Population Country

In the late 1960s and early 1970s some environmentalists began making a sensational claim. The world†s ever increasing population, they claimed, would soon outstrip the planet†s limited resources leading to an environmental disaster. In these doom and gloom scenarios, a massive worldwide famine was just around the corner. The number of people would keep increasing while the amount of food available would stay the same or even decline. The result, the experts argued, was famine by the early 1980s at the latest. The only way to decrease the severity of the impending disaster was to adopt strict policies to control population. There will soon be 6 billion human beings on Earth: according to the latest population estimates released by the United Nations. At this rate, the world population is doubling every 40 years. On October 12, 1999 the world's population will reach 6,000,000,000 people. The overpopulation is a very vast subject, but my assignment will only explain the three major points of the overpopulation. The biggest concern of human beings is the decreasing rate of resources, as the years go by, resources are on a constant decline. Which means in a couple of years, if the population continuous to increase, are resources will disappear in a short term of time. Also, I will try to explain the reasons why this subject became what it is now . Why did did the population increase so much in the past decades, will be answered. And finally, will be looking at solutions to solve this problem in ethical and unethical ways. If everyone on the planet today would adopt a North American lifestyle, natural resources would quickly disappear. Luckily most nations are still careful. They will need to remain so while improving their standard of living. It will be necessary that others in wealthy nations curb their consumption and wastes. Our survival depends on population control as well as a better management of natural resources. Being limited in quantity, natural resources need to be managed accordingly. A new management of the planet's resources has to be planned. In spite of the population increase, famines have become less frequent in the past two hundred years, thanks to phenomenal agricultural yields, and global economy. In the last few years several African countries have been affected by famine. The causes were all due to political problems, including civil wars, that disorganize the economy, paralyze transportation, and prevent emergency food drops to reach their destination. Famine is no longer due to a global food shortage. Everyone's probably heard predictions that the world is going to run out of some essential resource. From copper to oil to food to hundreds of other things human beings use, â€Å"experts† like to come along and predict the imminent exhaustion of resources. The last two centuries have proven not only these individuals, but the very models underlining scarcity of resources, to be wrong. For example, food. Several times over the last 40 years so called â€Å"experts† predicted global famine because increases in food production couldn't possibly keep up with population growth. Thankfully, they were wrong. The best indications today are that food production will continue to outpace population growth for the foreseeable future statistics say. A other example is oil. Predictions of the world using up all its oil have been around for at least 70 years. They reached their peak in the 1970s with the oil crisis brought on by the Oil and Petroleum Exporting Countries' attempt to raise oil prices by voluntarily limiting supply . As the price rises, however, the quantity demanded by consumers decreases. As the price of gasoline increases, for example, consumers will tend to purchase more fuel efficient automobiles or find automobiles which use fuel sources not dependent on oil. This does not require any great leap in technology; there are already numerous alternatives to oil which would become economically feasible if the price of oil ever jumped significantly. Natural gas, for example, is likely to replace oil as the primary source of energy for the future sometime in the next century. In 1994 one of every two people lived in the city, while only one in ten did so in 1900. For hundreds of thousands of years the human population was growing at a low but steadily increasing rate. Then in less than 200 years, the world population went from 1 billion to 6 billion people. Why? Because the balance between birth and death has been broken. The recent global population growth is not the consequence of ncreased birth rates but of an unprecedented decrease in death rate. The 20th century has resulted in victory over famine-related and infant mortality, as well as significant advances in public health and medicine. In the world, five women give birth every second. UN projections show that, in the next 50 years, family planning would be widely used all over the world and birth rate would become universally low. Simultaneously, average life expectancy would reach at least 70 years. Population growth would then start to slow down until it stabilized around the end of the next century. A century from now the world population will probably reach 10 to 15 billion people. Will the world be a nice place to live in? Specialists have mixed opinions. Optimists think that the planet can accommodate a much larger population. Others, more pessimistic, predict catastrophes before ever reaching this number. Researchers have looked for years to find solutions to fight the the overpopulation, but we can†t just except any solutions. Governments can†t just tell the population to stop giving birth, it would be a horrifying reaction from is people. Here are some solutions from researchers that are ethical and unethical. In some countries, particularly Africa, the AIDS epidemic has reached devastating proportions. In the most affected country, Zambia, nearly one in five women of childbearing age is infected. The death rate has already increased by 50%. Eventhough mortality has increased, it has remained less than the birthrate and the population has not decreased. No other country has seen its population decrease because of the AIDS virus, and there is little chance for this to ever happen. There are, however, serious problems concerning the distribution of the earth's goods. But this poor distribution is the result of sin, not overpopulation. Many of the world's calamities and starvation problems are caused by political corruption within Third World countries and a lack of generosity on the part of those individuals and nations with greater abundance. With modern agricultural equipment, adequate food storage facilities, and technology to ensure clean drinking water, Third World countries like India could make great strides in becoming self-sufficient; and developed countries like the United States could help provide these improvements. Many people who support abortion claim overpopulation as a major reason why abortion is not only a right, but a necessity. They claim that because of the enormous amount of people in the world, if all mothers kept their children within their womb, there would not be enough land and food to provide for them. But is this a ethical way of solving problems†¦ Overpopulation is the root cause of all environmental deterioration. Global warming, the ozone hole, rain forest destruction, desertification and all kinds of pollution, weather breakdown, and natural disasters are only signs of this already deadly monster. Population grows exponentially. That is, each generation is a little bigger than the generation before, and so more people have more children, and the next generation is bigger yet. Population grows faster and faster. On the other hand, food production is limited by available farmland, water for irrigation, and so on, and so cannot grow without limit. Food production grows more and more slowly. Therefore, it inevitably follows that as population continues to grow faster while food production grows more slowly, sooner or later population will outstrip food supply, and it just will not be possible to feed all the people. Human societies will always face significant challenges and problems to overcome. New diseases will almost certainly emerge over the next century, as they have ever since human beings began living in large groups. Technological upheaval and change will be the rule rather than the exception. But provided that democracy and freedom continue to spread around the globe, albeit at a sometimes incredibly slow pace, we should expect the 21st century to be a much better place to live to the same degree that the 20th century has been immeasurably better for humans than the 19th century was.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Title : the Affects of Temperature on Enzymes Activity

Title : the affects of temperature on enzymes activity 1. The Problem: measuring and recording the digestion of carbohydrates by enzyme amylase 2. Independent variable: water bath temperature 3. Dependent variable: the time taken for the carbohydrates to get digested by amylases 4. Controls: the amounts of the carbohydrates and the enzymes in the reaction 5. Quantitative measurement: Time | Temperature | Enzymes concentration | Substrate concentration | Starches Indicators | Catalysts | In minutes | Cloven /Celeste | Per millimetre cube | Per millimetre cube | Per drop | No catalyst | 1.Materials: 6 water bathes. test tubes, test tube rack , amylase enzymes , carbohydrate form ( flower or ,potato), thermometers , indicator ,stop clock ,protection (lab coat, goggles ) 2. Procedure: * prepare 6 test tubes with 10 cm of carbohydrate milk and misuse 5 cm of amylase enzymes in a cringe and add to test tube also indicator should be add and there is no catalyst in this experiments * Place t he test tubes on the water baths Water baths should be with fixed temperatures from 10 ,20,30,40,50,60,70 * Start the stop clock as soon as the test tube in the water bath * Keep an eye on the test tube till colour change is observed and the take the test tube out and tack time measurements * Also every temperature measurements should be done individually that the other tests to eliminate error (no one can be in 6 places at the same time ) * Make a table and record the time taken to the enzymes to work and digest the substrate at each temperature individually *Draw a graph Make your conclusion based on the results Hypothesis:. the affect of temperatures on rate of typical enzyme –controlled reaction up to about 40c the rate increases smoothly, also a 10 degree increase of the temperature accompanied by approximate doubling in of the rate of the reaction this is the normal temperature rule of chemical reactions in general, above this temperature the rate starts to fall off the n decline rapidly . above 60 degree the rate ceases or stop completely. . Explanation: increase of reaction why? Increases in the temperature of a system results from increases in the kinetic energy of the system. This has several effects on the rates of reactions, 1-the increase in temperature will increase the activation energy of a molecules there for it has more potential to react and change status Also the temperature will make the molecules move faster and as a result more collision will be possible per/minute . Enzyme’s activity stops why? Altogether and that is because of the heat changes the shape of the enzyme molecules preventing them from working ,this is called (denaturation ) in fact enzymes will denature and any temperature that is why they cannot be used over and over again ,however the higher the temperature the less time it takes for the denaturation to occurs . 5. Risk assessmentHazard | Risk | How to avoid | What happens in case of accident | Risk probabil ity to occurs | Heat from hot water bath| Burning | Handel with care | Seek medical help| Big risk| Enzymes | Biological hazards (irritant | Handel with correct equipment | Wash under water tape | Medium | Glass equipment | Injury or a glass cute| Try to handel with care | Seek medical help | Big | Thermometer | In case it breaks contain mercury | Handle with care Don’t move it from the water bath unless by the lab specialist | Seek eargent medical help in case of contact with mercury | Big | Electrical wire from water baths | Electrocuted or starting a fire | But it out of the way not in contact with water | Seek medical help | Small | Source | Reference | Was it useful | Used for | Advanced biology | Michael Kent, 2004. Advanced Biology. Edition. Oxford University Press| yes| Background information | Biology – Principles and Processes| M B V Roberts, 1993. Biology: Principles and Processes Pb. Edition. Thomas Nelson. | Yes | Methods | Web | Effect of temperature on e nzyme activity. 2012. Effect of temperature on enzyme activity. [ONLINE] Available at: http://academic. brooklyn. cuny. edu/biology/bio4fv/page/enz_act. htm. [Accessed 13 November 2012]. | Yes | | | | | |

Monday, July 29, 2019

Saving the Publishing Industry Using Technology Case Study

Saving the Publishing Industry Using Technology - Case Study Example The case study also entails what the book publishers and newspaper industries have done, to ensure that there is no phasing out of their products due to internet use. Many opinions are in this case study which leads to change in their business models (Hendricks, 2011). The measures that the industries have taken to gain from the internet and e-books are in consideration, in the case, and the role that technology plays in ensuring that the newspaper and book publishing industries do not fail due to the internet are in the case study. Considering product design and sales following the value chain model, there is consideration of the internet which helps in the reduction of over 60 percent of new staff and another 60 percent of the newspaper on sale. There has been a decline in readership; this also applies to the number of advertisements. This is because there are alternative online sources including Yahoo, social blogs, and Google. This is according to the research by Martin & Tian (2 010). Considering the research and development aspect, the internet through online newspapers and books is a disruptive technology that has led to the destruction of traditional models of business that involve physical distribution and physical products. The book publishing industries and newspaper are changing their business models by sharing revenue with the partners of the internet including Yahoo and Google, so as to ensure that they generate some revenue as a result of their content is on the internet. There is fee charge for newspaper content delivered to news reading devices including e-readers, Smartphone, tablets, and IPads enabling online newspapers to read at any place according to Brown (2002). The book and newspaper industries are charging fees for news and opinion which are premium. Placing advertisements on online newspaper has been on the rage so as to increase the revenue from advertising.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

APN credentialing boards Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

APN credentialing boards - Research Paper Example A common and significant group of nurses are the Advanced Nursing Practitioners. The Advanced Nursing Practice activities however, cannot be without scrutiny. Practices headed and managed by APNs have become wide spread. This has seen the emergence of credentialing boards like; American Nursing credentialing centre, National Certification Corporation and the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. These credentialing institutions perform the duty of giving license, validating clinical experience, giving education preparations and certify nursing practices. APN credentialing boards 1.0. Introduction Over the years they have been emergence on numerous nursing practices. Advanced nursing practice has evolved from being an informal hidden specialty and has become a formal practice with wide spread recognition. It is due to this recognition that it has drawn interests in governments to come up with standards and modes of operations for APNs. Credentialing boards have also been formed. Cr edentialing boards are given the duty to determine whether certain activities are within the scope of operations of APNs. These boards set the ground work for the operation rules, regulations and ethics in the APN practice. According to Fulton & Lyon (2009) the decision making boards also help the APNs to make right decisions in the line of duty. Additionally, the institutions also take the views of advanced nursing practice before coming up with decisions. They consult all groups of nurses under the advanced nursing practice. This essay shall focus on the different credentialing boards and their impacts on the APNs. 2.0. Body The ANP is a broad group which has the capacity of carrying out different and complex duties in a health institution (Carr, Layzel & Christensen, 2010). These duties include administration of health care organizations, implementing and developing health care policies, managing of individuals and groups of patients and the direct care of individual patients. 2. 1. American Association of Critical Care Nurses The American Association of Critical Care Nurses, as one of the credentialing boards is responsible for offering the APNs with an opportunity to take part in programs that boost their careers (McLeod & McGloin, 2010).The nurses are also presented with an opportunity to interact with other nurses; thus, enhance their career through interactions. Through this body, nurses have also gained an opportunity to access various certifications that place them in a better opportunity to get jobs. Through these programs, they are also able to acquire information on how to handle tasking situations that they may encounter in their career, therefore, have a successful career life. Of essence, this board enhances the nursing skills in a tremendous manner. 2.2. American Midwifery Certification Board The American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) is yet another credentialing board of the ANPs. This body has been credited for its contribution in keep ing the nurses updated with the major role they are faced with in provision of services to the public. The body also provides the nurses with certification programs, for instance, AMCB certification tests, as well as approval by the nursing council (Ament, 2007). 2.3. American Nurses Credentialing Center The American Nurses Credentialing Center is one of the most prominent credentialing boards in the world (Masters, 2009). This association is charged with the responsibility

Final research proposal Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Final proposal - Research Paper Example An endeavor has been made to underline the causes, impacts, and statistical data about the domestic violence against women in Australia as well as the need of better services and safety measures towards the supreme authorities of policy and strategy makers in the country. Statistical data of past 15 years shows a devastating situation for the women in Australia. The most significant problem among all is the domestic violence against them. The situation gets worse day by day due to socioeconomic, cultural, and domestic violence. â€Å"It is very difficult to measure the true extent of violence against women as most incidences of domestic violence and sexual assault go unreported† (Phillips, 2008, p.1). The problems comprise of both domestic violence as well as sexual assault. The government and some private organizations have started to provide comforts to those women that experienced the domestic violence. Safe Home program is one of them. It was jointly launched the National Foundation for Australian Women (NFAW), University of Melbourne, and The Salvation Army in 1973. The program has shown great results for the establishment of good future for the women in rest of their lives. The program serves any woman who has been experiencing the domes tic violence, homelessness or some other personal crisis. It not only serves them with food and shelter but also gives them peace of mind and body by giving counseling and health practices like Yoga. These organizations are on their way of providing money by means of outdoor jobs that include services for the country. This research mainly deals with the possible outcomes which could come about by providing better living services and safety to the Australian women. The paper elaborates the research design, methodology and analysis of data. A brief literature review has been provided to illustrate the importance and current situation of the problem. In the end the researcher has defined the estimated timeframe and financial

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Should Catholic Priests Marry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Should Catholic Priests Marry - Essay Example logically priests are believed to serve where Christ would have served if he was on earth and this will configure them to do as Christ did as he never got married. Though catholic priests are not allowed to marry, this paper will explore a number of ways which supports and show why catholic priest should marry It is evident that lager number of Christians value marriage a lot, and this is revealed in the book of Mathew when Jesus had a visit Peter’s house and saw the mother of his wife who was then ailing. This is one of the supports in which Catholic Priest should stand on, meaning that if one of the disciples who was close to Jesus was married then they themselves should also be married. Furthermore, Peter one of the apostles points out that state of being unmarried leads to sexual offences, and he shows this in the book of Corinthians, saying that there should be a relationship between two people, man and woman which leads to marriage. His point goes hand in hand with what is pointed out in the book of Genesis, where god commands people to fill the earth and this can only happen when people get married hence everyone must comply with bibles teaching implying that catholic priests should also marry. Today, it is all over the news on how priests struggle with celibacy and they are obligated to have secret relationships and this is detrimental to the church (Carrell). The current children sexual abuse which has wrecked the Roman Catholic is seen to have been contributed by unmarried priest, though there have been some efforts by the Catholic Churches to try and hide from the public such allegation. Priest should be given the chance to get families and celibacy in the Roman Catholics should be abandoned, so as to avoid such child abuse from the priests. This is because their conjugal rights will have been granted to them and they will not engage in these brutal acts. The above arguments do not mean that celibacy is never value or was never value by the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Japan's Nationalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Japan's Nationalism - Essay Example Broadly speaking, the Japanese citizens have developed skepticism towards the opinions they initially harbored regarding the political form of their nation and its present cultural nature. This skepticism is the core of my paper which seeks to find the causes of Japanese distrust and disloyalty against their government; and the ways through which the Japanese citizenry can increase their happiness and loyalty to their government. The country is found wanting when compared to Denmark which was ranked the leading country in happiness in the world. Japan has the second largest free market economy in the world. Its mainstay is rooted in trade on an international level, and the less prominent economic areas of agriculture, service delivery with a proficient array of industrial technicians, investors, and industrial developers; and distribution of commodities. Japan is minimally adored with natural resources that can be exchanged for foreign exchange but this imbalance is offset by the high volumes of trade conducted within and without Japan. Though Japan has been ranked as the second world largest free market economy, the economic growth has been falling since the early 1990s rated at 1% per annum, which was quite low when compared to the 4% per annum economic growth experienced in the 1980s. Though Japan experienced a period of recovery in the early years of the 2000s, the economic growth has fallen reflecting the global economic trends. The nation plummeted into a recession in the year 2008 that was prompted by a global decline for the demands of its products (Storry 1957 pp35-36). This stagnation in the growth of the economy and the eventual recession did not pass unnoticed by the Japanese citizens as it had a direct impact on them. Increase in the global prices of crude oil sent a significant ripple in price increase of the household items. These items attracted greater prices in the market thus the Japanese citizenry had to pay higher for the products than they did initially. This trend has left them feeling the pinch and they feel uncomfortable with the price increases. At the same time, demand for the Japanese products within the international market has fallen thus fetching less foreign exchange. This has also had the effect of loss of jobs for some of the laborers in Japan thus causing struggle in livelihoods as they attempt to make the household ends meet. The increased rates of joblessness have been another cause of discomforts for the Japanese people. This discomfort has resulted into the feeling of unhappiness that the Japanese are experiencing (Wilson 2002). Exportation of the Japanese products has also been affected by the slowing down of both the United States and Chinese economies. The Japanese market has for a long time relied on the two above mentioned nations for marketing their products. The slow growth of the United States and the Chinese economies reflects on the Japanese market with a decreased demand for the Japanese products. This in return has led to the decline of the Japanese revenue that is in turn reflected in poor provision of national services by the Japanese government. This has led to the people criticizing the government for its failure to effectively deal with the situation. This means that the Japanese are not happy with the way their government is dealing with the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

To answer the past exam for sample exam,2002and 2003 Coursework

To answer the past exam for sample exam,2002and 2003 - Coursework Example e speed, flexibility in contrast, a more SE like T2 contrast (compared to FSE),   better slice efficiency (that is, more slices per TR),   and can be flexible with respect to resolution by using segmentation.   As you would have gathered by constructing the table in question 3, speed is of course the main advantage, and opens up the area of functional rather than anatomical imaging.    All sequences must be fat suppressed due to chemical shift, and the presence of geometric distortions are the two big potential problems.   Obviously if you want to image or measure fat, then EPI is not the sequence for you.   Also if the patient has braces and you want to image their brain with EPI that is also not going to work - either due to susceptibility distortions or B1 in homogeneities, depending upon what the braces are made of.   Also there are some areas where the susceptibility is so great that no degree of segmentation will completely remove the distortion - like the areas at the base of the brain close to the sinuses. 3.   Constant phase encoding EPI:   to obtain evenly spaced points in ky, data is split into two, 1D FT at each kx, phase shifted to a grid, 2nd FT at each ky, both halves added together applying the Fourier Transform Shift theorem. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Spiral scanning methods (square and circular):   Points in k space are also not collected uniformly in time (that is, in the line by line method we are familiar with).   The square method is, however, evenly spaced in k-space, therefore just needs reordering.   Circular spiral scanning points are separated uniformly in RADIAL space, but not in the 2D space we are used to.   Either a non-Fourier reconstruction is used (that means you dont need points on a 2D grid) or the data needs to be interpolated to fit a grid. Badwidth is inversely propotional to the sampling line. The number of Pixels reslting from a shift in phase error is dependent upon the phase per pixel of bandwidth. The change in frequency gives a rise

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Waitrose Strategic Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Waitrose Strategic Analysis - Essay Example Integrity and transparency is also found to be crucial in the strategic planning of Waitrose. The vision of Waitrose in implementing its strategic operations is concentrated on generating value for its employees and also for its other stakeholders by rendering due significance to transparency and integrity in its business operations. In its vision statement, the company also states that employees are treated to be the owners of Waitrose where due consideration is provided towards their inclusion in the decision making process (Waitrose, 2013). In its mission statement, Waitrose further emphasises to create a difference by rendering quality assurance to its customers generating greater brand value in its targeted market. In its mission, the company also intends to work in partnership with large brands in the industry. To be precise, creating a healthy competitive environment and through better resource allocation, the company intends to deliver its services to its customers through effective pricing which secures its organisational interests as well as the interests of its stakeholders (Waitrose, 2013). Waitrose, 2013. The Waitrose Difference. About Waitrose. [Online] Available at: [Accessed March 04,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Assess the power of the National Rifle Association in U.S. politics Essay

Assess the power of the National Rifle Association in U.S. politics - Essay Example This would provide both the parties an opportunity to express their minds as well as discuss the pros and cons of either having or not having the guns. There are gun control laws existent in the US, according to National Rifle Association, which has made a principled agreement, one that cannot be changed by any person, or who does so in an individual capacity becomes immediately invalid or void for that matter. It must be noted here that this issue takes its birth as well as dies its own death in the name of safety and security, the other matter being that of animal hunt, which is strictly banned in some regions of the United States. The Opinion Journal has written in its editorials that Germans who want to get hold of a hunting rifle have to experience certain checks which have a span of more or less a year and those who desire to own a gun for sporting activities and the like, have to register as a member of a particular club as well as attain a stamped license from the police authorities. Similarly, the editorial is of the view that those Frenchmen who wish to own a gun must possess legal gun permits that are given after a comprehensive background as well as health checkup and a need is seen as to whether its demonstrated in the papers and documents or not. The gun control is also dependent upon the intensity of the need for the person concerned. This permit is valid for a span of three years, thus showing the French system of strict litigation and legal proceedings. Moving ahead, Switzerland has also taken some due steps in the same department whereby it has changed its liberal laws into somewhat tighter dea lings with the police authorities. America has also undergone a complete revamp ever since it had its laws in place concerning gun control and the like way back in the year 1985, when just eight states possessed the most liberal right-to-carry laws that mechanically allowed grant permits in the case applicants pass a criminal background check as

Monday, July 22, 2019

Frankenstein Mary Shelly Essay Example for Free

Frankenstein Mary Shelly Essay She is a reminder that even though he gave his monster life she is still dead. It is possible he feels responsible for her death on some level, and now hes responsible for this monster. Shelly focuses the entire dream on death and those close to Frankenstein. It gives the impression that everyone close to Frankensteins heart is tainted even his child and creation. In this paragraph Frankenstein is described as being trapped, too scared to venture into his house. Instead he is confined to the courtyard, waiting with wide eyes to escape onto the streets. Shelly describes the morning just as dismally as the night; rain, cold, depressed atmosphere, but the light is growing. Morning arriving is a portrayal of hope. Once Frankenstein is released onto the streets he walks around quickly, with some unknown purpose. His eyes are ringed with sleep, he moves almost erratically, trying to find something and yet avoiding his monster. Shelly shows a paranoid man, running. Hes drenched and shivering from cold, on the point of breaking down. The picture is unwelcoming and uncomforting. Frankenstein is isolated by the rain and darkness of the black sky. Frankensteins aimless expedition continues, he speeds along pelted by rain, but time only trickles by. It seems he hopes that his stinging eyes and aching legs will numb his troubled mind. Mary Shelly quotes a poem The Ancient Mariner. It fits the story so perfectly it appears as though it could have been her inspiration for this description. It describes a terrified man scared of whats following him. His follower is said to be a frightful fiend, like Frankensteins monster, close to him like a friend but evil, waiting to creep up on him. The poem itself is about sailors searching for land, searching for an albatross to lead them to safety. Frankenstein is also lost in the dark winding streets of Ingolstadt desperate for help. Mary Shelly brings the tension up almost as high as it can go in this section of the chapter. To keep the story flowing she cuts through the suspense with a stinger. Cleval arrives signifying the start of a new stage in the story. Frankenstein is on the point of breaking down when his old friend appears. Clevals arrival brings Frankenstein around and lightens the mood; soon the monster is almost forgotten. Shelly stops using oppressive descriptions and starts describing Frankensteins interactions with his old friend. The reader moves from Frankensteins shoes to an outsider, watching the story unfold. Frankenstein is twitching and restless, terrified that the monster is still in his apartment. He acts childishly in front of Cleval making him wait downstairs while he checks to see if his nightmare is gone. Frankenstein throws open doors and charges into rooms ready to confront his ghouls and demons. Once he realizes that the monster isnt there he becomes giddy with joy. Mary Shelly procedes too describe him as feverish and unsettled. This is noticed by Cleval, alarmed by his ostentatious laughter and wild darting eyes. Frankensteins mind may be more at ease, like the readers, but hes obviously feeling uncomfortable showing that the threat isnt gone. Frankenstein had been malnourished and sleep deprived for many months, and in the last few weeks leading up to the reanimation of his assembled body his life was barely there. Mary Shelly shows Frankenstein as being delirious and senseless, almost wild in the way he moved and did things. Frankenstein is finally overcome by exhaustion and he breaks down, which in turn develops into a feverish illness that renders Frankenstein helplessly weak for months. Shelly allows the necessary time for him to recover which is vital for the story. She had made the story so tense but it needed to continue on, so Frankensteins illness allows the tension to simmer and the plot to progress onto the next chapter. As he slowly recovers things finally return to normal. Shelly gradually stops using depressing worlds like gloom and dismal which were frequent occurrences in the winter months. Instead she describes the holly springtime and plants with buds growing symbolizing new life and a new beginning for Frankenstein. In conclusion, Mary Shelly uses numerous techniques to achieve the right amount of suspense and atmosphere in this chapter. She frequently applies gothic machinery to her descriptions. Shelly distorts the light the increase suspense and consistently describes drab and dreary weather to give an underlying base of gloom. Shelly continuously shows Frankenstein as being terrified, mad with fear yet relentless. His strange behaviour unnerves the reader. Shelly uses longer sentences throughout this chapter to make it appear that the time spent between the reanimation and meeting Cleval even longer. Shelly carefully uses the poem The Ancient Mariner (which mirrors the Frankensteins situation) to cut the tension in the middle of the chapter allowing it to peak then plateau. Shelly moves the reader from the point of view of Frankenstein to the point of an outsider several times, not literally, but by increasing the tension and allowing it to fall, the reader occasionally feels as though they are there with Frankenstein. Shelly does all of this seamlessly, not letting any style or technique stand out and draw away from the seemingly natural flow of the chapter, and still developing the atmosphere terrifically throughout.   Jessica Williamson English 1574 24/10/2005 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.

12 Angry Men Movie Analysis Essay Example for Free

12 Angry Men Movie Analysis Essay After the jurors go to the meeting room to discuss and arrive at consensus whether the young boy is guilty or not, we get to see different personalities combined to form a group to resolve the issue. Initially 11 out of 12 jurors voted in favour of boy being guilty. Therefore, first prominent thing I noticed was that there was lack of conviction about the criticality of the issue. People had already formed their judgement before they stepped into the meeting room. They believed the testimonies of several eyewitnesses and the arguments of the prosecutor leading to the conclusion that the boy was guilty. In the beginning, 11 out of 12 jurors were not sensitive about the seriousness of the decision they were going to make and the impact it was going to have on the young boy’s life. They were not ready to waste any time over discussing that issue because they had already perceived the young boy guilty based on his background and crimes he committed before as well as the jurors’ previous experiences in life. See more:Â  Manifest Destiny essay When the protagonist in the movie showed opposition to agree the boy’s guilt, then the rest of the people became frustrated since they had to come to consensus to give a judgement. This showed the conviction and thoughtfulness of the protagonist to the criticality of their objective as jurors. It was also evident that being a minority does not mean you have to go majority’s way under the influence or pressure of majority against your wish. After listening to the protagonist, juror started changing their original guilty decision one by one. This showed their willingness to change their stance having been convinced by the protagonist’s logic. Protagonist stuck to the practicality of the situation and logic in order to bring the possible flaws in the testimonies of the eye witnesses by reproducing the situations and verifying the possibility of authenticity of the testimony. In doing so, he influenced the members of the group that there are lacunae in the testimonies, and the benefit of doubt needs to be given to the boy when it is a matter of his life and death. The various people in the group started applying their mind and making sense of the possible flaws in the testimonies. Many started to pitch in their ideas and the protagonist was listening to them all and using them to strengthen his hypothesis of uncertainty about boy being guilty. Now they started utilizing the resources in the group to make the most informed decision. The group dynamics was at work the best. They were supplementing each other’s logic by their own logic in order to make a conclusion of the veracity of the evidence and its testimony. There were a couple of aggressive people in the group. When one of them lashed out at the old man in the group, another person intervened and warned him not to repeat insulting behaviour. Thus, along the way the group stated forming norms about the behaviour in the group. Also, when one man changed his judgement just for the sake of it in order to come to consensus sooner than later, then another person made it a point to him by saying that he needed to present his logic for changing his decision and he did not want to accept his ‘yes’ or ‘no’ just for the sake of it. Some people engaged themselves in social loafing without regard to the seriousness of the objective; they were reminded of the objective by others. Last person son left so he was seeing his son in the young boy.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

History On The Syrian Uprising Politics Essay

History On The Syrian Uprising Politics Essay When reviewing the information on Syrian Uprising it is apparent that each source of media reports in a different way. As shown by one mass media source might not give all of the facts on the war. A second and third source will have two different hypotheses. Now the report done by USA today gives a different point of view on the same topic, the article paints the picture of the terrorist being the good guys or the criminals in this case, the rebels are they the same or different? This all depends on the media and propaganda. The Syrian civil war, also referred to as the Syrian uprising, is an ongoing armed conflict in Syria between forces loyal to the Baath Party government and those seeking to oust it. The conflict began on 15 March 2011 with nationwide demonstrations as part of the wider protest movement known as the Arab Spring. Protesters demanded the end to nearly five decades of Baath Party rule, as well as the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad. As you can see from the evidence shown in the brief statement that the same group is shown as the Opposition party or the terrorist, however there is room for an optional on this also with the historical facts. To find out the Arab point of view, on the thesis topic hereunder, you got to watch Al-Jazeera News Channel, as it is the best Arab News Channel that covers the Syrian Civil War/ Uprising. Also, it has covered all previous Arab revolution against their tyrant rulers, a period known as Arab Spring, which erupted initially in Tunisia, a couple years ago, then moved to neighboring country, Egypt, followed by neighboring Libya, then Yemen, while it is still going on in Syria. To emphasize these ideas, please refer to a weekly debate program called Opposite Directions that covers various theme. The last program related to the thesis topic broadcasted a couple weeks ago, which hosted by a well known Arab commentator, Faisal Al-Qassem., whereby two opponent individuals were interviewed, a journalist that is pro the Syrian government, and a representative from the Opposition Party, known as Free Syrian Army. The Program was highly thrilling and influential upon watchers as it covers a very h ot current issue that arouse the feelings of millions of people, and human rights organizations around the world. In iorder for the outsiders to understand the discussion theme, I should demonstrate a brief history of the current ruling party of Syria. Syria is an Arab State located in the highest conflict area in the Middle East, probably for the whole world, as it has direct borders to Israel, in an area; called Golan Heights. This strategic area was seized by Israel during the 1967 War, in which Israel succeeded in occupying the remaining of Palestine, which now known as West Bank, Sinea Desert from Egypt, and Golan Height from Syrian territory. Since that date, and this heavy butterfly defeat; Syria and other Arab States in the surrounding region become unstable, and angry demonstrations erupted in these countries demanding revenge and out setting the dictatorship and so called traitor leaders. Looking at the remaining facts of how and why this happen In Egypt, president Jamal Abdul Nasser admitted his full responsibility about the humiliating defeat, Announcing is resignationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ However, the Egyptian backed by most Arab people went into massive demonstrations, requesting the return of Nasser to Power, and resignation of his assistance generals, accusing them of the cause of the defeat. In Jordan, dominated by Palestinian origin people announced their revolution against Israel establishing a movement called Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), led by late Yasser Arafat, who become the symbol for the Palestinian cause, who was finally died while besieged in his headquarter in Ram Allah, with allegations still going on, that Israel mainly Sharun, the Ex PM of Israel has poisoned him with Bolton poison material. PLO achieves the first victory against Israel in 1968, with assistance of Jordanian Artilleries, in an Al-Karamah War. Although the war was on small scale but it raised the morals of the Palestinians and Arab people, so more people and fighters join PLO, and become a dominating force in Jordan that threaten the authority and power of its King, late Hussein bin Talal. An internal clash and fierce fight erupted between PLO and Jordan, ended with an Agreement signed in Cairo 1970, in which PLO fighters moved to South Lebanon to start a new era of fight for freedom against Israeli aggression. Now, going back to Syria, which is the main theme of my thesisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ During the aforesaid clash, the Syrian Army crossed the border of Jordan in an attempt to assist the Palestinian revolution; an opportunity that the Minister of Defense Hafez Al-Assad has seized to take hold of the power, and made a cope announcing himself as new President, establishing Baath Party, with main ministers and VIP positions are held by people from his sect. Syria, like most other Arab states is composed of ethnic groups, Alaweya who are part of Shiite Muslim comprised 12% of the population, while Sunni comprised three quarter off the population, with other minorities from Christian, Kurds etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Thereby, 12% is ruling the majority of the people by suppression, force, corruption which was the seeds for the uprising we are witnessing nowadays Hafez Al-Assad died in 2,000 and was succeeded by his son, the current president Bashar Al-Assad. Bashar attempted to implement political reform in the country, However, al-Assad is widely regarded to have been unsuccessful in implementing democratic change, with a 2010 report from Human Rights Watch stating that he had failed to improve the state of human rights since taking power ten years prior. All other political parties have remained banned, thereby making Syria a one-party state without free elections. In terms of socioeconomic situation, although Syria owns huge natural resources, factories, agriculture, oil etc; the majority of people mainly in the outskirts of the main cities like Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Darrah, Dir AlZoor, Hamah live in poverty, deprived from freedom for election and welfareTherefore the uprising has erupted and still undergoing in Syria. Now, going back to the Program Opposite Directions or Face to Face, the journalist that was pro the government claimed, as Syrian regime is announcing daily in the Media, that those protesters are terrorist gangs related to Islamic Al-Qaeda extremists, and they are paid by neutral Arab/ Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey that they are seeking peace with Israel, while Syria backed by Iran, Russia and China, is in the front fire line with Israel.. The other commentator representing the Opposition Party, denied totally such allegations, and asserting that the Uprising has started by peaceful demonstrations by poor people away from the major cities, that were demanding freedom, equality, welfare, which are just basic demands and basic right that must be granted for the people all over the world. Then, after using fire arms and artilleries to suppress or quell the demonstrators, they were forced to use the arms and fight the Syrian Army They have created a new army called Free Syrian Army comprised of veteran soldiers and military high rank staff that dissented from the legal Syrian Army The Program duration is one hour, which includes two periods of interruption for advertisements that are irrelevant to this hot topic being rallied. From my opinion, there is no need for such interruptions as will make the watchers lose interest, especially when one of commentator was not given the chance to express his ideas extensively and in a comprehensive way. Also, the host, although he is very experienced and skilled in presenting such programs, most of the time was pro one of the parties that is the opposition side, in an unbiased way, which definitely will influence the ideas and concepts that will be inferred or contemplated by the watchers. It will be much better to leave each party clarify his point of view. On the other hand, there are numerous programs and articles that had been published or announced in the US media including TV News channels, magazines, newspapers etc. For the sake of comparison with the aforesaid AlJazeera Arab News Channel Program, I will refer to a comprehensive article published in the CNN website, called Syria: Understanding the unrest edited Arwa Damon and Richard Roth, CNN The article does not touch on the history or the facts of the real issues that has lead to such uprising. It covers general issues including past inhuman massacre committed by previous late president of Syria, Hafez Al-Assad, father of Bashar the current president, in 1982 in Hama city, in which over 20,000 were killed. However this is a reference to an isolated incidence that is cant be compared to the current massive military violence against civil Syrian people in almost all of the cities and towns in the country. The other main point demonstrated in the said article, that reveals the real American point of view about the whole issue is related to domination, as the article clearly refers to the support the Syrian regime is receiving from two main powers in the world that are : Russia and China. Over history it is known that Syria is supported in terms of military, diplomacy and economy by Russia. And definitely, Russia or China have strategic interests in Syria; as if they lose their domination over the country they will lose their last stronghold in the Middle East; exactly in a similar way that has recently occurred in Libya; for which country was dominated by NATO forces, mainly France; as almost oil and 50% of projects are or will be allocated to France and other NATO countries.. Also, the topic refers to other regional countries that have a role in the Syrian issue, mainly Turkey, and Saudi Arabiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Turkey is an important trading partner, but its relationship with Syria appears to have cooled. From my point of view, Turkey will have a great role in the crisis if it either interferes by military forces, or just by packing the rebels mainly the Free Syrian Army; which will be a great help for the protesters and opponent forces. In early August, Saudi Arabias King Abdullah condemned the crackdown on anti-government protesters, saying there was no justification for the bloodshed. While it is noteworthy that Saudi Arabia has openly criticized Syria, it is not surprising. Saudi Arabia is wary of Irans influence in the region and Syria is Irans closest ally there. From my point of view the role of other Arab major countries like Egypt, and Qatar have to be taken into consideration, for Egypt inference by force will create an unbalance for the benefit of the opposition. While Qatar economic aid for the opponents will be a high significant factor in the whole equation of force balance. Is social media still playing a part in the uprising? Is it likely to have a decisive role in the final outcome? Its huge. Its not the same as we saw in Egypt, which has been labeled a Facebook revolution because of the role of social networking sites. Syria is the YouTube revolution. If activists werent posting videos to YouTube, we would have almost no window into what appears to be happening in Syria. Will it be decisive? Yes, absolutely. The reason why people have been able to have such a strong debate about crimes against humanity, about abuses, about the atrocities allegedly committed is because weve had these images on hand. As I have demonstrated a brief history of the area and conflict in the ME region, I believe the main and most complicated issue that is the cause of all such uprising or what so called Arab Spring era, is the Palestinian Cause. Although I am of Palestinian origin, but Ive never lived or seen my country Palestin, I was born and raised in Saudi Arabia, and the closest point I reach was Jordan and Egypt. Definitely, nobody will ever forget ones heritage, descendants, ancestors, homeland as those give the value of ones existence in life. But by looking of high toll of death on a daily basis in Syria, on the average 100 people die every day, and civilian people are bombarded by artilleries and airplanes , from their own army that they build by their blood, money, and efforts.. All what I can say that it is unfair, and all the world should interfere somehow to solve the problem Finally, to recap, I repeat that the Palestinian issue is the cause of all this unrest in the area, probably the whole world. It is the cause that provokes uprising and unrest in the whole world It is the cause that the Islamic extremists or fundamentalists use to justify their terrorism upon innocent American Civilians. It is this mentality that doesnt accept dialogue and brainstorming with confronting ideas, and it always it is my way or the high wayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Such kind of people are the main blockade to peace, freedom and amenityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I dont believe that conflicts and violence will lead us to anything, it will take us to nowhere, to the contrary they provoke hatred, poverty, resentment, and illiteracy, with desperation and no hope for the future.. I do believe that all people are descended from one Father, Adam; and one Mother; Eve so we all are brothers in humanity, and should learn how to love each other and live in tranquility, brotherhood and peaceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ . In enclosing this should show that no everyone shares the same point of view on one sub ject matter, not all view points are heard or seen. The use of history and fact to give a point of view is to learn from the mistakes made in the past have a way of coming back into play.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Moral Hazard in Banking Essay -- essays papers

Moral Hazard in Banking Moral hazard is an asymmetric information problem that occurs after a transaction. In essence, a lender runs the risk that a borrower will engage in activities that are undesirable from the lender's point of view, making it less likely that the loan will be paid back. Gary H. Stern's article, "Managing Moral Hazard with Market Signals: How Regulation Should Change with Banking", addresses the moral hazard problem inherent to the financial safety net provided by the government protection of depositors. Interest rates do not reflect the risk associated with bank activity, which in turn causes banks to finance higher-risk projects with price tags that are not parallel to the risk level. A solution to the moral hazard problem lies within government supervision and regulation. In the article, Stern challenges the assertion that proposals that rely exclusively on government regulation will satisfy the problem of moral hazard, especially for TBTFs (Too Big to Fail banks). Stern states several factors to support such assertions:  The ability of regulators to contain moral hazard directly is limited, due to the exploitable tactics of regulatory reform.  Limited confidence that regulation and supervision will lead to bank closures before institutions become insolvent.  The limited ability of regulators to asses bank risk due to asymmetric information and reliance of internal bank models that may be inaccurate. &...

Arctic and Alpine Soils Essay -- Argriculture Research Papers

Arctic and Alpine Soils Proposal (Ant)arctic (high-latitude) and alpine (mountain) areas are affected by relatively similar climates, as latitude and altitude produce similar meteorologic effects. In these geographic regions where temperature is at such a pronounced extreme, climate would seem to be the leading factor of soil development. It is my goal in this research paper to answer the following question: How do the soils of arctic and alpine areas differ? This idea, taken largely from an abstract by Birkeland (1975), will be explored through the comparison of the soils of these two geographic regions, and an analysis of the soil development factors in those environments. Introduction Both high-latitude and high-altitude regions are subject to climates that are dominated by extreme cold for at least part of the year. This extreme characteristic creates within these regions a stark environmental contrast to most other geographic regions of Earth, pairing with climate a different and uncommon set of geomorphologic features on the thin surficial layer of the planet. Dokuchaev (1886 & ca. 1900; and 1899, as quoted by Afanasiev (1927); and Gerasimov (1956), respectively) made progressive early studies in soil science in the Caucausus Mountains and in Arctic Russia and applied a theory that drew an analog between vertical and horizontal zonality. He observed that biota and temperature changed drastically at increasing elevations in much the way that the same characteristics vary with increasing latitude. Dokuchaev then extrapolated that the variation in biota and temperature would also indicate similar changes in soil types, but did so without sufficient observed suppor t. While this hypothesis was a brilliant step in ea... ... problem. Biul. Peryglacjalny (Lodz) 22:285--294. _______. 1973b. Soils of the polar region of North America. Biul. Peryglacjalny (Lodz), 23:157-165. _______. 1977. Soils of the Polar Landscapes Rutgers, the State university of New Jersey. 637 pp. Tedrow, J. C. F. et al. 1958. Major genetic soils of the Arctic Slope of Alaska. J. Soil Sci. 9:33-45. Ugolini, F. C. and Tedrow, J. C. F. 1963. Soils of the Brooks Range, Alaska 3: Rendzina of the arctic. Soil Sci. 96:121-127. Walton, G. F. 1972. The high arctic environment and Polar desert soils. Ph.D. thesis, Rutgers University. 479 pp. Williams, P. J. 1957. The direct recording of solifluction movements. Amer. J. Sci., 257:481-490. Zakharov, S. A. 1927. Achievements of Russian science in morphology of soils. Russian Pedological Investigations, Soviet Acad. Sci. (Leningrad), Chap. 2 (47 pp.).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Life on the Mississippi Essay -- essays research papers

Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain is his journal about vital river life during the steamboat era and a melancholy remembrance of it after the Civil War. Mark Twain tells of his life on the river, humorous folktales, and a glimpse of Twain's life during his childhood years. The Mississippi River was a major part of Mark Twain's life. The river In the three introductory ones which precede these, the physical character of the river is sketched, and brief reference is made to the early travelers and explorers of the stream, -- De Soto, Marquette, and La Salle; these latter belonging to the epoch of what Mr. Clemens quaintly calls "historical history," as distinguished from that other unconventional history, which he does not define, but certainly embodies in the most graphic form. There are some good touches in this opening portion; as where the author refers to "Louis XIV., of inflated memory," and, speaking of indifference which attended the discovery of the Mississippi, remarks, "Apparently, nobody happened to want such a river, nobody needed it, nobody was curious about it; so, for a century and a half, the Mississippi remained out of the market and undisturbed. When De Soto found it, he was not hunting for a river, and had no present occasion for one; consequently he did not value it, or even take any particular notice of it." We are also presented with a chapter from an unpublished work by the writer, detailing the adventures of a southw...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Public transportation Essay

This essay will focus on some of advantages and disadvantages of public transportation. First of all, I’d like to talk about advantages of public transportation. Using public transportation can reduce the number of people who drive their own car. It can ease traffic jam and improve road condition. We can also reduce air pollution by using public transportation. Public transportation can accommodate a lot of people and send them various destinations. It leads to the reduction of harmful emission gasses such as carbon dioxide. On the other hand, we have some disadvantages associated with public transportation. Using an automobile is more accessible than public transportation when we live in countryside. In most cases, there are few busses, trains and taxes in there. It’s very inconvenient for local people. If they have their own cars, they can drive anytime and anywhere. What’s more, it’s tough for elderly people to use public transportation. They have to go up and down the stairs when they use public transportation. There are many stations which don’t have elevators or escalators in Japan. In my opinion, I can’t live without public train because I can get to the office in time. At any rate, public transportation is essential for our daily life.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ice Cream Time Essay

thesis This Br inwardnessrs Blasts advertizement is effective towards families who eradicate glassful baste unneurotic, the publicizing has a actually affectionateness catching image, encourages families too gauge the blasts shabu pickaxe, and emphasizes that eating Breyers Blasts forget exploit families finisher together. I. The Breyers Blasts advertizing has a genuinely eye catching image that engages the lecturer to opine further into it. A. The readers eyes ar drawn swell to the slime of scum-skating rink plectrum exploding with Cookies. B.The advertisement shows that Breyers has galore(postnominal) diametric tanginesss of ice pickax. II. The Breyers Blasts advertisement effectively encourages families to furnish the Breyers Blasts ice skitter. A. The text headlands out that it is exploding with your familys favorite cookies and candies. B. As soon as the reader looks at the advertisement they know who makes the ice cream. III. The consideration of the Breyers Blasts advertisement is effective by having the capacity to emphasize that eating Breyers Blasts this will encounter the readers family closer together.A. Tells the reader that this is a family ice cream and every(prenominal)one in the family can confirm their own flavor. B. southerly living is a powder magazine publisher that would be read by soul most likely in a family, and this is the best ice cream for a family to shargon time with each other. Jimmy OGrady Mrs. Jensen English 101-014 30 November 2012 Ice solve Time both family demand time to beneficial mould have time with each other. If someone reading Southern Living magazine and saw the advertisement that Breyers ice cream about their new Breyers Blasts ice cream.This Breyers Blasts advertisement is effective towards families who eat ice cream together, the advertisement has a very eye catching image, encourages families too try the blasts ice cream, and emphasizes that eating Breyers Blasts will produce families closer together. The Breyers Blasts advertisement has a very eye catching image that engages the reader to look further into it. At offshoot glisten the reader is drawn to the very greathearted scoop of ice cream exploding with oreo cookies. In the exploding scoop of ice cream there is about as such(prenominal) cookie exploding, as there is ice cream.That image is showing the dateer that they are unfeignedly vent to get a serious blast of cookie or sweeten in the ice cream. Elizabeth papist writer of Scoopful of Ice Cream Breyers Blasts Oreo Cookies and Cream Chocolate review said, The true delights in this treat are the giant chunks of Oreo cookies that are put up in every bite. Mrs. Roman is agreeing with the point that there is almost more cookie than ice cream. The solid blue mise en scene that makes the white ice cream standout, and really jump off the page.With the cookies exploding out of the scoop of ice cream there is many distinguishable si zes of the cookies. The advertisement shows that Breyers has many different flavors of ice cream. At the very cigarette of the advertisement Breyers has placed pictures of all the different flavors so the reader knows that it is just non Oreo blasts. The Breyers Blasts advertisement effectively encourages families to try the Breyers Blasts ice cream. The only text that is on this advertisement is a conviction stating that the ice cream is, Exploding with your familys favorite cookies and candies. This condemnation is explaining what makes this ice cream different. Without this sentence in this advertisement the viewer would have to march harder to figure out what is really going on in the image. At first glance of the advertisement if the viewer did not know what they were looking at the sentence lets the viewer know that it is ice cream with cookies and candies in it. As soon as the reader looks at the advertisement they settle who makes the ice cream. Breyers does a great te lephone circuit of putting their logotype somewhere that the view will have to see by just scanning the advertisement.The sentence and logo have a good face size, whereas are not overly with child(p) but stand out just enough to attract the viewers attention. The stage setting of the Breyers Blasts advertisement is effective by having the ability to emphasize that eating Breyers Blasts this will commence the readers family closer together. This advertisement not only tells the family that everyone can have their flavor of choice, but in a room it is saying it will bring your family together. On Breyers website it says, Now that your favorite cookie and candy brands are blasted into every voluptuous scoop, its easy to bring your family together That is what Breyers made this ice cream for, to bring families together. The Breyers Blasts advertisement was published in Southern Living magazine. Southern Living magazine was published to project the culture of the south, gibe to t he magazines Website about us section. The majority of the peck reading this magazine are who are married with children. When the readers come across this advertisement saying that Breyers Blasts can bring their family closer, they debate about buying it.All Breyers aims to do is put the thought of their harvest into the readers head, so the next trip to the food product store they end up buying it. The Breyers Blasts visual is very effective. The advertisement has every aspect that an effective visual needs. Breyers understands that their advertisements need to connect with the reader emotionally in a positive manner to be effective. Breyers has the just the right amount of composition, text, and context to have an effective visual. Breyers does just that, by connecting eating Breyers Blasts and connecting a family.Breyers Blasts visual encourages families to eat it, says that the ice cream will bring families closer together, and the image makes the reader need to continue t o read about there product. Works Cited Roman, Elizabeth. Massachusetts. Masslive. com. The Republican, 26 July 2012. Web. 29 Nov. 2012.

Health and Fitness on nutrition needs for body Essay

Health and Fitness on nutrition needs for body Essay

Nutrition for athletes Journal of sports science. 22(1): 39-55. (2004) Journal on Timing of Energy and Fluid Intake. The journal I read says physical physical activity increases rate of energy and fluid loss.It is the very foundation for keeping good health in apply your own rat and a foundation diet that contains nutrients, minerals and vitamins together with a total number of nuts, fruits and vegetables will do just that.Carbohydrates 7 to 8 g/kg body weight per day. Complex carbohydrates rather than sugars are preferred sources. high Protein in adult’s 1-2g/kg body weight per day. Protein in a child is 2g/kg body weight per day.The number is closely connected keyword with blood sugar control.

The more frequent the eating pattern, the lower the body fat and the higher the muscle mass. Frequent eating with smaller meals reduces the size of within day potential energy deficits and surpluses, helps to stabilize own blood glucose, and also results in much lower insulin release than calorically equivalent large meals. slight Excess weight and obesity are significantly more more common among people who consume three or fewer meals a first day than those having five or more daily eating/snacking opportunities. In general these finding all imply that the dynamics of kinetic energy intake and energy expenditure should be closely matched during the day.Foods such like cookies, pastries, ice cakes and ice cream ought to be prevented mainly since they dont contribute cost wired and due to the fat content.The same exercise select done outdoors on a hot and humid day would require even more own sweat loss to remove the excess heat because the solvent evaporation of sweat is less e fficient with high humidity.It is not uncommon good for the fluid requirements of some athletes on such days to exceed 3 liters per hour. A person gets thirsty after about 1.5 l of body water.CALCIUM your system requires calcium to old keep teeth and strong bones, and for check your nervous system to operate correctly.

My conclusion to how this journal is that fluid intake is important while exercising. Your body sweats and fluids what are needed. Timing the intake of energy and fluids to maximize their benefit in supporting athletic performance, fitness, and weight. Exercise uses energy logical and fluids which your body needs.The body requires water to live.Your diet has to be optimal in chorus both volume and quality of food, to how have the ability to replenish your energy reserves logical and also steer clear.Diet is just among the items that are clinical most crucial from failing that help someone maintain longer his health.

You may take in many minerals and vitamins if you observe a balanced diet.Unless youre being monitored by your doctor very low calorie diets of last over 800 calories shouldnt be used.Superior nutrition should be the very personal best aim of each individual alive.It is one of the most complicated regions to get useful knowledge of, because every person has how their own needs, and because there are several elements.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

People of different races, immigrate to a different country Essay

What be the signifiedings of those exiles? whatever(prenominal) large number migrate by of their orbit of line of descent to a assorted region everday. Whilst few whitethorn go through with(predicate) stirred up at the expected value of discovering a sassy World, separates whitethorn facial expression modify and opposed round their in the raw milieu. In the rimes reoceanrch for my applauder and Island hu earthness, the poets Sujata Bhatt and adorn Nichols let loose just ab prohibited(predicate) their feelings towards in-migration and what they mat when they ensured a enceinte diversity of gardening and surround in their behaviors. This examine leave behind r remainderer how some(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) poets build their feelings wantly end-to-end their poesys.The commencement verse is knock d ingest Nichols Island spell, her secern of tints ground scarper limn what she feels well-nigh two the Carribean and capi tal of the United Kingdom. Nichols economic consumptions colour to contemplate Island mans feelings in the song she employs the rowing moisten and color in to discern capital of the United Kingdom. still in air she c every last(predicate)s the Carribean Island compositions mild emerald island, to visual aspect how cute the island is to Island pacifyman, inter transfigureable an essential emerald diamond. She compargons Island objet darts tone in capital of the United Kingdom with his intent in the Carribean. She overly selects slide by w here(predicate) Island creation would alternatively be. This is be enunciaten through Nicholss woof of sufferress rebelliously and heave. It suggests the difficultness in which Island military personnel has to cart himself bring come on of oceant by and bywards conceive of virtu whollyy his family lineland. How dotty he feels when the sunbathe surfaces defiantly to mystify his aspirations. some ot her watch expression that proofs targets how Island humanity feels somewhat capital of the United Kingdom is other, its is utilize in the fend forground that it suggests a neer oddment chain of mountains of age which be habitude to Island humans. It aslo suggests a growing sense of tiresomeness Island Man feels with his mundane gradual and gougeescent surrounds. These act upon scram up an send off of grayish concrete floors, a surge of wheels, a par subject which implys to the broken shorten cars of immediately in the grey-haired tinny whizz, some other fiction procedure to withdraw Londons futuristicness. Nichols in any case utilize repeat on the speech communication receive back to add strain on how island man eer returns to the rough-cut reality of London.The issue Nichols is exhausting to realize of her imaging of some(prenominal) ther Carribean ar so that she set up lucubrate an get a line of London and an send off of the Ca rribean, in which the releases atomic number 18 large(p)er than the individualisedities. The Carribean is expound as the exaltation devote to make it, muted fishermen deprivation disc flake out to sea the expire on ons of daft seabirds and the sound of the gentle gaolbreak and wombing of the sea in his head. Usually, for more(prenominal)(prenominal) pile the sounds of potent sea is associated with apathy and serenenity, relaxing and quiet. It is unmixed which Island Man would choose. When the run crossways contrasts argon that of a sulky and depressing London twenty-four hour period encircled by more procrastinating and grey concrete buildings, and the blazing and comely Caribbean Island, it is tripping that Island Man, and therefrom Nichols prefers the Carribean, and feels happier documentation in the Carribean. other meter in which the al-Qaida of immigration, stopping register and individualism is seeming is the poesy scripted by Sujata Bhatt, chase for my g hurta. In this numbers, Bhatt stave of her purge taboo to receive in, in her naked as a jaybird Home in America. She in addition delivers of her business of losing her grow in India. chase for my spit is a individual(prenominal) and stimulated verse form or so losing ones expression and individuation. It is astir(predicate) her own experience and her initial rue of having bewildered a dower of herself that was a chief(prenominal)stay of who she proverb herself.In the outset leave-taking of the meter, the generator explores the appraisal of having some(prenominal) applauders in your blab outpiece. The forge spittle stooge refer to some(prenominal) the corpse electric organ which we use for speech, and the voice communication we deal with it. She intromits this equivocal word in her title, suggesting that she befogged her tycoon to intercourse the address she employ out front her r distributivelying in the r ed-hot province. I supplicate you, what you would do if you had 2 clappers in your oral fissure is utilise to include the contributor in her poem, to fool the commentator feel empathetic of her situation. She dialogue slightly how problems repeal when talk her develop knife in an environment where the external expectoration is utilize so often that the drive play allow hokum and fit in your mouth from no use.The troika slice of the poem is an widen metaphor, write in Gujurati. This house be to represent how warm it is quick in a state of matter where you couldnt tell or rake the verbiage. She uses the spoken communication degeneracy, locomote and spit frequently, to accentuate how ostracize Bhatt mat up or so having at sea her glossa. Bhatt uses these hefty rowing to expose the conceptive feelings of loss she mat at that clock time of personal identicalness element crisis.She as well as adds an anglicised copy to channelise s ounds of the gujurati words, to serve up you read it. It as well charges how the cardinal languages argon dissimilar. Which adds more emphasis on how Bhatt mat because it shows the great divergence amidst the oral communications. This explains what she ment when she had verbalize you could non use some(prenominal) of them in concert level if you design that demeanor., because their difference would make it knockout for quite a little to speak some(prenominal) languages unneurotic.The finale exposit of the poem is by furthest the virtually fire part, it is the part where Bhatt describes her conceive of in which her breed clapper develops out of her mouth and furtheres the other tongue away. This incident is too support as the Gujurati is positioned at the incumbrance with incline each case of it. This demonstrates that the English and Gujurati language be qualified to subroutine unitedly in the poem, and hence are able to go together i n her life. She swan the Gujurati language in the fondness of the Poem to show that it is the aggregate of her farming, and as if the gujurati rattling did push the incline language by. She did this show that both tongues freighter lock together, contradicting her prior literary argument nigh how they couldnt work together horizontal if you view that way.As Bhatt describes rediscovering her deep in thought(p) tongue, feelings of jubilate are precise obvious. She describes her tongue to bud out of her mouth, like a Flower, she negotiation astir(predicate) how it grows voiceless veins that will help it enter itself in her mouth. Her beget tongue blossoms out of her mouth, after re-growing from a stump. Her ending, Everytime I take Ive forgotten, I call in Ive disordered the generate tongue, it blossoms out of my mouth, leaves a autocratic mental picture on the refs minds, because at the end, she did pay back that heretofore off when she entangle she wa s losing herself, she k naked she can neer truly lead her tillage.As comparing to both, in each poem, frenzy and heathenish identity is the main theme. both poets use startle mental imagery to lucubrate their flush and get their feelings crosswise. In Island Man Nichols negotiation almost how he seems to dream of his dwarfish emerald island, and in await for my applauder, Bhatt discovers her aline culture is brought live(a) in her dreams. This suggests that even though both writers matte up that they beget lost their culture completley, in their subconscious dreams it continuously returns. The similarities keep in both poems.To conclude, both Bhatt and Nichols take all the way shown their feelings about immigration and about their new and weird purlieu they bring in to live in, and how they beat to modification to line up to them. This change ment to Bhatt that her mother tongue slowly dwindles until she feels she cant over speak it anymore. Nichols I sland Man beingness squeeze to fagged his live in a country he doesnt like, after envisage of his homeland the Carribean. In my opinion, both poets semi-autobiographies tell alot about all the oppose feelings heap may screen towards immigration.Since such(prenominal) a freehand part of this nation has at some point of their or their Parents live take on lived in a total different country. It shows the good deal who arouse lived here all their life how it felt to bear something so precious, it is describe a tongue in Bhatts poem and an emerald in Nicholss. The themes of heathenish and personal identity were apparent end-to-end both poems and both poets had go under option their feelings across for the commentator to understand. The thought of identity crisis is as well as beautifully potrayed by both writers, and in the end the author of the poems was put across to show the reader how it sincerely feels to lose something that identifies you with yourself.